Types of OS

 Types of Operating systems

Before knowing about types of OS we need to know what is a job. A job is a collection of programs, input data, and control instructions

  1.  Batch operating system
    • In the batch operating system, the system does not interact with the computer directly.
    • If the user wants to interact with the computer user prepares a punch-card
    • Punch-card is a card that is like binary 0 or 1
    • If light passes through a punch card it is binary 1 else binary 0
    • It is read through a card reader.
    • It consists of an operator who takes similar jobs of the same requirement and groups them into batches.

The main problem with the Batch operating system is most of the time the CPU remains idle because the CPU is much faster than the I/O devices.

2.  Time-sharing operating systems
    • It is a logical execution of multiprogramming.
    • The CPU executes multiple programs by switching, among them, but switches so frequently that the user can interact with each program while running.
    • In time-sharing operating systems several jobs must be simultaneously in memory, so the system must have memory management and protection.

3. Distributed operating system
    • Also known as loosely coupled systems
    • Distributed operating systems allow the distribution of entire systems on a couple of center processors, and it serves multiple real-time products as well as multiple users.
    • distributed operating system may share all resources from one site to another, increasing data availability across the systems.